End Poverty and Hunger: Invest in Agriculture
To invest in agriculture is the key to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition and its reasons are quite clear: It boosts the productivity and revenue of small-scale farmers, diversifies their income through value chain growth, and creates more and better jobs for the poor.
Today, about 767 million people continue to live in extreme poverty. Furthermore, success in ending poverty has not always been accompanied by economic and social equality, showing that recent economic expansion has not been sufficiently inclusive. While food production would need to double by 2050 to feed an extra two billion people, rising demand for agricultural goods will put further strain on already badly deteriorated natural resources. Today’s investments must consider natural resource conservation and sustainable agriculture production, as well as investing in climate-smart technology.

The Connection Between Agriculture and Poverty Reduction
Investment in agriculture is more effective in reducing poverty, particularly amongst the poorest people, than investment in non-agricultural industries. By implementing inclusive economic and social policies, the public sector has an important role for agricultural investment.
Countries offer public goods such as agricultural research and extension, infrastructure and services, as well as regulation and incentives for sustainable natural resource use through public investment. Supporting the development of membership-based farmers’ organizations and their professionalization and building business models for farmers’ organizations to better access markets is also a way of ending poverty.

Multiple Paths to Reduce Poverty
One method entails aiding locals in becoming agricultural specialists, allowing them to become more productive and market-integrated. Another method is to provide more and better job opportunities in the agricultural industry. Agricultural investments can assist impoverished households smooth out their labor schedules by encouraging diversification and intensification of agricultural production systems, as well as off-season employment. As a result, policies and investments should not just focus on improving agriculture, but also on encouraging the growth of other poor-targeted enterprises.

Investments should build an enabling environment that leads to reasonable employment development in the agriculture sectors. Investments in roads and transportation, telecommunications, solar energy, agricultural processing and storage facilities, and rural tourism, for example, all contribute to the creation of employment, the flourishing of livelihoods, and the breaking of the poverty cycle.
Bottom line is, investing in agriculture is a big and a smart move to end poverty around the world. While investing, creating job opportunities for the poor is also a good way to ease your conscience. We, as Invest4land, are not just an Agricultural Investment Company, but also an Agricultural Development Company. It means that we focus on agricultural research with experts and on finding new suitable technologies for our managed farmlands.

While bringing a breath of fresh air to the farmland investments, we also provide job opportunities for the local people. We also have created a unique business model for investors to get the highest income possible from their investments.
If you are a farming enthusiast and want to have a role ending poverty, feel free to Contact Us any time. Our Professional team is ready to help you at the every step of your investment!
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